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Sunday AM Service: Things Christians NEED to Know!

Bluestone Baptist Church

Join us Sunday morning as we worship the LORD and hear a message about the necessary truths that every Christian needs to know! Scriptures: Book of Romans Speaker: Pastor Joshua Winkler

Sunday PM Service: Jesus Cleanses the Temple

Bluestone Baptist Church

In the 2nd chapter of John we see Jesus chasing away the animals and money-changers from the temple in Jerusalem. Why did he do this? What was his concern and how do we apply it to our lives? Join us Sunday evening as we discuss why Jesus needed to clean the temple. Scriptures: John 2 ... [Read more...]

Nehemiah Club (TEENS)

Bluestone Baptist Church

Calling all the faithful young men and women! Do you wish to grow in your knowledge and relationship with God? Want to understand the Bible, Christian Doctrine, History, and prophecy of God's word? We invite you come and to grow with us as we meet each Wednesday at 6:00pm. We will open with prayer Enjoy ... [Read more...]

Wed. Prayer Service: Isaiah 65

Bluestone Baptist Church

Join us Wednesday night as we complete our study in the Book of Isaiah. Our service will begin with praise, followed by a time of prayer for our friends, families, and neighbors. After this time of prayer will be a lesson from the Bible. Scriptures: Isaiah 65 Speaker: Pastor Joshua Winkler

Men’s Prayer and Fellowship Breakfast

Bluestone Baptist Church

We invite all men to join us here at the church for a hearty meal, prayer, fellowship, and a short message from the Bible. You are encouraged to bring friends and family of all ages, all men are welcome. The food is served at 8:30am, but the real fun is the cooking. If you plan ... [Read more...]


Bluestone Baptist Church

We invite you to join us as we gather to take the gospel message of Jesus Christ to our surrounding community. This is an excellent time to bring up and discuss any outreach ideas and programs as well.

Sunday AM Service: Naomi or Mara?

Bluestone Baptist Church

Ever been through hardships that seemed to never end? Ever felt like the situation was hopeless? If this is you then join us Sunday morning as we hear a message of hope from the word of God. Scriptures: Ruth 1 Speaker: Pastor Joshua Winkler