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Wed. Prayer Service: Pride and Humility

Bluestone Baptist Church

Join us Wednesday evening as we study the word of the LORD and receive a message about the dangers of pride in our lives which reminds us to live a live of humility, following the example of Christ.


Bluestone Baptist Church

We invite you to join us as we gather to take the gospel message of Jesus Christ to our surrounding community. This is an excellent time to bring up and discuss any outreach ideas and programs as well.

Sunday AM Service: Experiencing God’s Grace

Bluestone Baptist Church

Join us Sunday morning as we gather to worship the LORD. Following this time of worship will be a special message concerning the marvelous grace of God as we prepare to celebrate 220 of the Bluestone Baptist Church.

Homecoming 2018 – Celebrating 220 Years!!

Bluestone Baptist Church

Join us for Homecoming 2018 as we celebrate our church's anniversary and 220 years of experiencing God's grace. We will have a time of fellowship, food, and worship. There will be singers following the potluck meal for an extended time of worship. Singers: Jeff Canterbury Kenny Brogan Rick Lilly  

Nehemiah Club (TEENS) – Wk. 3 Questions Due

Calling all the faithful young men and women! Do you wish to grow in your knowledge and relationship with God? Want to understand the Bible, Christian Doctrine, History, and prophecy of God's word? We invite you come and to grow with us as we meet each Wednesday at 6:00pm. We will open with prayer Enjoy ... [Read more...]

Wed Prayer Service: Ezekiel 2 – God’s Word is a Living Word

Bluestone Baptist Church

Join us Wednesday night for a time of worship and a lesson from the Word of God as we study in the Book of Ezekiel where we find the principles concerning God's glory and his word. Scriptures: Ezekiel 2 Speaker: Pastor Joshua Winkler