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Bluestone Baptist Church

We invite you to join us as we gather to take the gospel message of Jesus Christ to our surrounding community. This is an excellent time to bring up and discuss any outreach ideas and programs as well.

Sunday AM Service: A Servant’s Heart

Bluestone Baptist Church

Join us this Sunday morning as we gather to praise and worship the LORD. After this time of worship, we shall hear a message from the Bible. Scriptures: John 13:1-5 Speaker: Pastor Joshua Winkler

Sunday PM Service: Do Not Grow Weary

Bluestone Baptist Church

Join us Sunday evening as we gather to worship the LORD. Following a time of praise and fellowship, we will hear a message from the Bible. Scriptures: Isaiah 40 Speaker: Pastor Joshua Winkler

Nehemiah Club (TEENS) – Wk. 4 Questions Due

Bluestone Baptist Church

Calling all the faithful young men and women! Do you wish to grow in your knowledge and relationship with God? Want to understand the Bible, Christian Doctrine, History, and prophecy of God's word? We invite you come and to grow with us as we meet each Wednesday at 6:00pm. We will open with prayer Enjoy ... [Read more...]

Wed. Prayer Service – The Prince of this World

Bluestone Baptist Church

We invite you to join us Wednesday evening as we join to praise and worship the LORD. We take time each Wednesday to gather in prayer for our friends, families, and neighbors. Following this time of prayer will be a Bible Study from Ezekiel. Scriptures: Ezekiel 28:1-19 Speaker: Pastor Joshua Winkler  

Men’s Fellowship Breakfast

Bluestone Baptist Church

Join us this Saturday morning as the men of the Bluestone Baptist Church gather for a time of food, fellowship, prayer, and a message from the word of God. All men are invited to join us, guests also welcomed. Hope to see you there!  

Summer’s County Pastors Meeting

Bluestone Baptist Church

The Pastors and ministers of Summers country will be gathering to discuss a county-wide youth rally which we hope to conduct on a monthly basis.