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Bluestone Baptist Church

We invite you to join us as we gather to take the gospel message of Jesus Christ to our surrounding community. This is an excellent time to bring up and discuss any outreach ideas and programs as well.

Sunday AM Service: Then and Now

Bluestone Baptist Church

We invite you to join us this Sunday morning as the church gathers to praise and worship the LORD. Following this time of worship will be a message from the Word of God. Scriptures: Genesis 6 Speaker: Preacher Butch Honaker

Sunday PM Service: Jesus and The Gospel

Bluestone Baptist Church

We invite you to join us Sunday evening as the church enjoys a time of fellowship and praise of the LORD. There are four accounts of the Gospel given in scripture, but all of them tell the same story. What is the Gospel message of Jesus and what affect should it have on our lives? ... [Read more...]

Youth Rally Rehearsal

Bluestone Baptist Church

The Youth Rally will be hosted here at Bluestone this month on the 17. Tonight we will be rehearsing the events for the rally. Anyone involved or who desires to be involved is encouraged to attend. This is a time to practice music, songs, testimonies, and Bible Trivia. Hope to see you there!

Wed. Prayer Service: Jesus and Nicodemus

Bluestone Baptist Church

Join us as we gather to pray for the needs of our families, friends, and communities. After this time of prayer will be a Bible study from John. Scriptures: John 3 Speaker: Pastor Joshua Winkler

Thanksgiving Praise Dinner

Bluestone Baptist Church

Each year around this time, the church gathers to give thanks to the LORD for his mercy and grace. We invite you to join with us as we enjoy delicious food, good fellowship, and a time of worship. Following this fine of food and fellowship will be a short message from Pastor Winkler.


Bluestone Baptist Church

We invite you to join us as we gather to take the gospel message of Jesus Christ to our surrounding community. This is an excellent time to bring up and discuss any outreach ideas and programs as well.