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Wedding: Tanner and Julie Lilly

Bluestone Baptist Church

We invite you to join us as we celebrate the joining of Tanner Lilly and Julie Bugg!

Sunday AM Service: Passion Week

Bluestone Baptist Church

Please join us this Sunday morning as we gather to worship the LORD! This is Palm Sunday which begins Passion Week. Our message this morning will cover who Jesus is and what he came to do with a specific focus on his final week. Scriptures: Various verses from John Speaker: Pastor Joshua Winkler

Choir Practice @ 6:30pm

Bluestone Baptist Church

Members of the choir and any who would like to join, please be at the church by 6:30pm for practice.  

Sunday PM Service: Christ Changed Everything

Bluestone Baptist Church

Please join us Sunday evening as we explore the Word of God! Our message tonight will focus on the impact of Jesus Christ on the world and in our lives. Scriptures: Various Speaker: Pastor Joshua Winkler

Nehemiah Club (TEENS) – Doctrine: Holy Spirit – Wk. 28 Questions!

Bluestone Baptist Church

Calling all the faithful young men and women! Do you wish to grow in your knowledge and relationship with God? Want to understand the Bible, Christian Doctrine, History, and prophecy of God’s word? We invite you come and to grow with us as we meet each Wednesday at 6:00pm. We will open with prayer Enjoy ... [Read more...]

Wed. Prayer Service: Revelation 15 Bible Study

Bluestone Baptist Church

We invite you to join with us as we continue our verse-by-verse exposition of the Book of Revelation. This week are on Chapter 15 and the final events of the End Times are coming quickly. Scriptures: Revelation 15:1-8 Speaker: Pastor Joshua Winkler

Soul Winning!

Bluestone Baptist Church

We invite you to join us Saturday afternoon as we go out into our surrounding communities to fulfill the Great Commission to share the Gospel with all people!   We will leave from the church at noon.