Sunday AM Service: Butch Honaker
Please Join us Sunday morning as we hear a message from God's word! Scriptures: TBD Speaker: Preacher Butch Honaker
Please Join us Sunday morning as we hear a message from God's word! Scriptures: TBD Speaker: Preacher Butch Honaker
We invite you to join us this Sunday evening as we hear a message from God's word! Scriptures: TBD Speaker: Brother Isaac Young
We invite you to join us Wednesday evening as we gather to pray for our friends, families, and communities. Following this time of prayer will be a Bible Study lesson on Moses. Scriptures: Exodus Speaker: Pastor Joshua Winkler
Join us this Sunday morning as we gather to worship the LORD! After this time of worship will be a sermon about following Jesus. All Christians follow Christ, but not all follow closely. If you feel as though you have been following afar off, then you won't want to miss this message! Scriptures: Luke 22 ... [Read more...]
Join us this evening as we worship the LORD. Are you struggling to feel the "fire" in your relationship with God? Well, you won't want to miss this message about our desire for the LORD! Scriptures: Lev 6:8-13 Speaker: Pastor Joshua Winkler
Please join us at the church at 6:00 pm for our teen ministry. We will be finishing our study on doctrine in preparation for our test review!
Please join us as we receive an update from Ken and Carla Wills, our missionaries with Source of Light Ministries.