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Wed. Prayer Service: People of the Book – Moses pt. 3

Bluestone Baptist Church

We invite you to join us as we conclude our study of Moses with an examination of the years following the exodus out of Egypt. Scriptures: Numbers 20 Speaker: Pastor Joshua Winkler


Bluestone Baptist Church

We invite all teenagers (ages 13-18) from all the surrounding churches and community to join us for a night camping out! The property is located beside the 4-H Camp Summers along the Greenbrier River. Any Questions please call Pastor Joshua Winkler at (563) 949-5671. Please see the schedule below: *Required Items* Pillow / Sleeping Bag ... [Read more...]


Bluestone Baptist Church

We invite you to join us this morning as we go out into our communities to fulfill the Great Commission and take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. We will meet at the church at noon and return at 1:30 pm.

Visitation Service: Clista Lester

Visitation for our sister in Christ, Clista Lester, will be held at Pivont Funeral Home in Hinton, WV from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm on Saturday August 10th.

Sunday AM Service: Simon the Sorcerer

Bluestone Baptist Church

We invite you to join us Sunday morning as we gather to praise the LORD! After this time of worship will be a message from the word of God! Do you have a genuine relationship with God? Are going through the motions, not truly committed to God? If this is an area of your life ... [Read more...]

Funeral Service: Clista Lester

Funeral Service for Clista Lester will be held at Pivont Funeral Home in Hinton, WV @ 2:00pm on Sunday August 11th.

Sunday PM Service: Rejected?

Bluestone Baptist Church

Join us this Sunday evening as we worship the LORD! Christ has been identified as the stone which the builders rejected, but his acceptance is not of man but of God! Have you accepted Jesus today? Scriptures: Acts 4:6-12 Speaker: Pastor Joshua Winkler