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Nehemiah Club (TEENS) – Doctrinal Review

Bluestone Baptist Church

Calling all TEENS! We invite you to join us as we study the word of God. We will meet at the church at 6:00pm on Wednesdays. This week we continue with our end of year Doctrinal Review.

Wed. Prayer Service: Missionary Ramone Briones

Bluestone Baptist Church

Please join us this Wednesday for a time of prayer. After this time of prayer we will hear from one of our supported missionaries. Scriptures: TBD Speaker: Missionary Ramone Briones  

Sunday AM Service: Brother Rick Newsome

Bluestone Baptist Church

We invite you to join us this Sunday morning as we gather to praise the LORD! Following this time of praise, Rick Newsome will bring a message from God's word. Scriptures: TBD Speaker: Brother Rick Newsome

Sunday PM Service: Remembering 9/11

Bluestone Baptist Church

We invite you to join us Sunday evening as we praise the LORD. Following this time of praise will be a time of remembrance of 9/11/01 as Pastor Winkler brings a message from God's word. Scriptures: Nehemiah Speaker: Pastor Joshua Winkler

Nehemiah Club (TEENS) – Doctrinal Review

Bluestone Baptist Church

Calling all TEENS! We invite you to join us as we study the word of God. We will meet at the church at 6:00pm on Wednesdays. This week we continue with our end of year Doctrinal Review.

Youth Rally – Chestnut Grove!

Bluestone Baptist Church

Calling all the youth in the area to join us at Chestnut Grove Baptist Church as we fellowship and praise the LORD! There will be a time of testimony, music, food and refreshments, as well as some good fun with our Bible Bowl Tournament! Bible Bowl Scriptures: Mark 14 If you need a ride, the ... [Read more...]