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Soul-Winning (Weather Permitting)

Bluestone Baptist Church

Please join us as we go out into our surrounding communities to share the wonderful Gospel of Jesus Christ in fulfillment of the Great Commission (Matt 28:18-20).   We will leave from the church at 12:00 and return at 1:30pm - Weather permitting of course)

Sunday AM Service: Salvation is Simple!

Bluestone Baptist Church

The world is constantly trying to make salvation as complex and difficult as it can be by twisting God's word or adding human requirements. However, when we look at God's word we find that salvation is not complex at all, its actually quite simple. Scriptures: Various Speaker: Pastor Joshua Winkler

Sunday PM Service: Missionary Update – Edwin Garcia

Bluestone Baptist Church

Tonight we will be joined by our brother in Christ and supported missionary to the Philippines, Edwin Garcia. He will give us an update of the work thus far, followed by a message from the word.

Intercessory Prayer Meeting

Bluestone Baptist Church

All are invited to join together for this time of prayer. We pray for our Pastor, Deacons, and the church body. We pray for God's will, discernment, and blessing on our church family, nation, and ministry. We pray for a sweet spirit to be present among the people of God and for his approval in ... [Read more...]

Nehemiah Club (TEENS) – Doctrinal Review

Bluestone Baptist Church

Calling all TEENS! We invite you to join us as we study the word of God. We will meet at the church at 6:00pm on Wednesdays. This week we continue with our end of year Doctrinal Review.

Wed. Prayer Service: People of the Book – Solomon

Bluestone Baptist Church

We invite you to join us as we gather to prayer for our families, friends, and communities. Following this time of prayer, we will continue our study on People of the Book. Our topic tonight will be Solomon! Scriptures: 1 Kings Speaker: Pastor Joshua Winkler

Sunday AM Service: Jesus Passing By

Bluestone Baptist Church

We invite you to join us this Sunday morning as we gather to praise the LORD. Following this time of worship will be a message about the opportunity we have to come to the Lord which he is yet near. Scriptures: Luke 18 Speaker: Pastor Joshua Winkler